
Friday, December 17, 2010

Bringing Joy Xmas Project 2010 (11th December 2010)

The St. Joseph's Parish Centre was a hive of activity as Lions and Friends of Lions sorted and packed food rations for distribution to 50 needy families.

This year, Organizing Chairperson Ln. Jodie Sim raised the target up a notch; from 38 families to 50 families. This, she successfully carried out with the assistance of Co-Organizing Chairperson Ln. Terence Chuo and committee.

In line with District Governor's criteria, that is to promote IT literacy, the project as well as the sourcing of pledges and sponsorship from members, families and friends was done through Facebook.

To make this project relevant to the needs of the community and in tandem with the District Governor's theme "Service with Action", the beneficiaries of the project were recommended by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul; whose main goal was to help the needy.

What is Christmas without "Caroling"?

Twelve choir members from the Holy Trinity Parish Youth Ministry sang and touched the hearts of beneficiaries as well as the Lions. Truly a blessed Christmas!!

HO!! HO!! HO!!

Jingle Bells!! Jingle bells!! Jingle All The Way!!

In line with International President Sidney L. Scruggs III Special Service Action Campaign; "Relieving the Hunger", Ixorian Lions drove to another district; treaded rickety board walks to deliver a month's supply of food rations....

All this done in the hot afternoon sun...

Truly "Shining a Light on Giving"...

So, fellow Lions and Friends of Lions, "Shine a Light on Giving" and be that little "Beacon of Hope" in the life of others.

When we have many....



many little "Beacons of Hope", we will light up the world....

Just as a mighty river trickles from a little spring;

A blazing fire from a tiny spark;

The journey of a lifetime with a first step;

Be that spring......

Be that spark.....

Take that step...

And be a "Beacon of Hope"

Workshop on Fundraising and Communication (7th-9th December 2010)

"Fundraising is not about money!!"

"It is a warm-hearted affair...."

"People give to people...."

"Make your donor your friend...."

"People give because...."

"People don't give because...."

A three step process...
Open HEART....Open MIND.... open CHEQUE BOOK

These are some of the ideas shared at the Workshop for Fundraising and Communication held on the 7th, 8th and 9th December 2010 at the Islamic Information Centre.

Ln. Cynthia Maria Zehnder and Friend of Lions Marianne Tra attended this workshop to represent Lions Club of Kuching Ixora.

The workshop was an interactive one and therefore was a good platform for exchange of ideas.

The speakers really know their stuff and were very convincing.

Ms. Ann Woo

Mr. Nigel Jones

Meeting old friends!!

Making new friends!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2nd District Governor Advisory Committee Meeting (5th December 2010)

Reporting! Reporting!

Have objectives and goals been achieved????

What has been successfully carried out????

What is in the pipeline???

Zone 3 Clubs did this at the Rachan Family Park, Serian. Surely a Zone Meeting with a difference!!

Good food!!! Thanks to the Serian Lions for making the arrangement....

Good Fellowship!!!

Good Company!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lions Nursing Home Chairty Food Fair 2010 (28th November 2010)

Once again, it's the Lions Nursing Home Annual Charity Food Fair!!!
Region 1 Lions roll up their sleeves to work hard and raise funds for the home.

A total number of 73 stalls was set up; 9 of which was taken up by Ixora.

Organizing Chairperson for Club-level this year was 2nd Vice President Sim Kuang Boon, who was also in-charge of stall allocation.

Top-selling item was pizza; baked on the spot by the Green Chords of SMK Green Road.

Next, top selling item was Ixora's signature sales product, 'V-GOOD' Fruit Juice. Thanks to Michael Kong of A.Clouet & Co. (KL) Sdn. Bhd. (Ayam Brand)

Other hot selling items include oyster pancakes pan fried by the Teo Chew Youth Association members.

For the health conscious, Hong Leong bankers offer a variety of fruits for sale.

For the sweet tooth, Region Chairperson Judy Kho's friend has a mouth watering array of buns, cakes and muffins for sale.

For those who prefer hot and spicy, there is the Ixora Belacan and Ixora Sambal Nasi Lemak. (minus the nasi... just the paste)

Past International Director Ellis Suriyati's Roasted Chicken was another popular item of the day...

There's more.........

Fizzy drinks sponsored by ZKZ Company.....


Sushi!!! Rolled on the spot by the Leos of SMK Jln. Arang....

Even herbs for cooling down.... Thanks to Ln. Kueh Pek Kheng.....

Indeed, this year's array was a colourful one and the Ixorians raised a whopping sum of RM8720!!!!!!!!!

Kudos and thank you to all!!!!