The St. Joseph's Parish Centre was a hive of activity as Lions and Friends of Lions sorted and packed food rations for distribution to 50 needy families.
This year, Organizing Chairperson Ln. Jodie Sim raised the target up a notch; from 38 families to 50 families. This, she successfully carried out with the assistance of Co-Organizing Chairperson Ln. Terence Chuo and committee.
In line with District Governor's criteria, that is to promote IT literacy, the project as well as the sourcing of pledges and sponsorship from members, families and friends was done through Facebook.
To make this project relevant to the needs of the community and in tandem with the District Governor's theme "Service with Action", the beneficiaries of the project were recommended by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul; whose main goal was to help the needy.
What is Christmas without "Caroling"?
Twelve choir members from the Holy Trinity Parish Youth Ministry sang and touched the hearts of beneficiaries as well as the Lions. Truly a blessed Christmas!!
HO!! HO!! HO!!
Jingle Bells!! Jingle bells!! Jingle All The Way!!
In line with International President Sidney L. Scruggs III Special Service Action Campaign; "Relieving the Hunger", Ixorian Lions drove to another district; treaded rickety board walks to deliver a month's supply of food rations....
All this done in the hot afternoon sun...
Truly "Shining a Light on Giving"...
So, fellow Lions and Friends of Lions, "Shine a Light on Giving" and be that little "Beacon of Hope" in the life of others.
When we have many....
many little "Beacons of Hope", we will light up the world....
Just as a mighty river trickles from a little spring;
A blazing fire from a tiny spark;
The journey of a lifetime with a first step;
Be that spring......
Be that spark.....
Take that step...
And be a "Beacon of Hope"